Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Work

2007 is starting off with a smile and sunshine....

It has been a slow January so far with lots of plans in the making and waiting.... still trying to get a kiln in operation. Progress has been slow mostly because I am out of space in the studio and something has to go! Kiln on loan sitting ready to plug in (bought plug and have to install), but need flooring that is non combustible and wall guards... after the oven and shelving is moved out. The oven is used to bake polymer clay and heat set paints on the vinyl dolls so IT can not go... Janet, HELP! I need a professional organizer and six pair of hands!

I have been working with canned glazes, making test tiles, and have a few fish glazed with crystal colors ready for firing. Also made my first figurine called The Inn Keeper's Wife drying on the rack. Maybe I will get a photo up of her tomorrow...

Been enjoying and researching the blogs from the W and Z lists, but reading and spending way too much time there when I should be getting caught up on my to do lists. It just amazes me to find so many talented and caring people out there in cyber space! I owe Tammy a few replies, but did get my book list updated! She has a great blog for connecting and marketing ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow - looks like you've been really busy...you know it took me 6 months to get my kiln in (we had to run electric...$300 worth of electric cable). Love these suns - they are such happy fellows. Looking forward to seeing the Inn Keepers Wife! and your crystal tests. I tried crystals on my last batch and they disappeared - and that was with a soak, which is supposed to make a difference! sigh.