Wednesday, January 31, 2007


My beautiful daughter has survived the craniotomy and is improving daily! My time over the last couple of weeks (and couple of weeks to come) has been with her and my grand kids. Life will be different for a couple of months, but we are expecting a happy recovery. Vision in her left eye is still not there. Over time, we are hoping this will change and if not, she said she can live with that .... considering the alternative!

The doctor said he was very glad to have done this surgery. Her anuerysm was paper thin and he could see the blood flowing through it. He said it would not have lasted a year and would have burst. Her survival of that would not have been good, if at all. We are very blessed and so thankful for everyone's prayers and positive energy!!

Meanwhile, I am rooting doll heads at my daughter's house (among other things..) and have clay work drying on the racks at home. Lots going on, but planning helps out.... and of course friends! Chris has some wonderful caring neighbors who are bringing dinners and goodies to the house this week...

Have you hugged your loved ones lately? and often...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Online Galleries

Today I stumbled across a couple of places to list and show your art work. One is Boundless Gallery where you can list for free up to three months before you have to take it down. They collect payment and take 25% and send you immediate email notifications of sales. Still reading their terms and conditions before I sign up.

The other is also holding their first juried showing with cash awards, but you can also show and list items for sale. There is not charge for anything with this one for the basic subscription. It is United Creators and is global. It looks relatively new as there are not that many sculptors, but I have not nosed around extensively either. Check out my listings.

Monday, January 15, 2007

New Clay Work

Just finished working up 25 lbs of raku clay to see what it is like to work with. I was hoping the dried geenware would be stronger less fragile then the earthenware. Sorry to report it is not. Once the peices are fired it is no problem... just getting them to the kiln in one peice is a trick. My sun rays keep breaking off with the slightest touch and the wire drying rack probably does not help the situation. Redesigned the ray lengths leaving out the twisting and arching.... which was pretty cool! I will try to get some photos tomorrow. It has taken me a couple of weeks to use up this package since I was fitting in between other ongoing projects.

So far there are 5 sun faces made each with a different face/age. It was good way to practice eyes, nose, and facial bones. As they are more of a bas relief, it is difficult to view all sides, but a good fun play activity. Finished up with a green man mask bearing grapes, and a goddess type celebration wall plaque.

Gallery sat all day yesterday at ArtWorks at 7th in North Beach. Suzanne Shelden, a very talented and amazing artist, held an impromptu gathering with friends from Alexandria, Poolesville, Rockville, and Silver Springs. Suzanne is the featured artist for the month of January at the art gallery and donated proceeds of her sales to the Calvert Animal Welfare League. Rhiannon (kitty brought in and available for adoption) was adopted by Lora from Alexandria!! I met some wonderful people and it was a very successful show. Congratulations, Suzanne!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Another Sad Day

So once again, the president has disregarded the demands of our people and is escalating the war in Iraq accepting no comments from the Democrats! The troops were already there on Wednesday when he made his announcement.... imagine that!!

See Democracy Now! for what is happening in our country. Watch their show for today and see the live interview with Sgt. Ronn Cantu in Iraq who started and supports the following appeal for redress.

An Appeal for Redress by and for military peronnel on this insane war! The appeal will be delivered on Martin Luther King's birthday. Contact your congressman, the white house, and voice your protest! Help bring our troops HOME!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Work

2007 is starting off with a smile and sunshine....

It has been a slow January so far with lots of plans in the making and waiting.... still trying to get a kiln in operation. Progress has been slow mostly because I am out of space in the studio and something has to go! Kiln on loan sitting ready to plug in (bought plug and have to install), but need flooring that is non combustible and wall guards... after the oven and shelving is moved out. The oven is used to bake polymer clay and heat set paints on the vinyl dolls so IT can not go... Janet, HELP! I need a professional organizer and six pair of hands!

I have been working with canned glazes, making test tiles, and have a few fish glazed with crystal colors ready for firing. Also made my first figurine called The Inn Keeper's Wife drying on the rack. Maybe I will get a photo up of her tomorrow...

Been enjoying and researching the blogs from the W and Z lists, but reading and spending way too much time there when I should be getting caught up on my to do lists. It just amazes me to find so many talented and caring people out there in cyber space! I owe Tammy a few replies, but did get my book list updated! She has a great blog for connecting and marketing ideas.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

W List Links

This W list was started by Tammy Vitale for women. Check out some of these!! There are so many awesome talented people... I added Tammy's blog to the top and added a few that I have found that I hope everyone enjoys as much as I do.....

Women, Art, Life: Weaving it all together

Looking Beyond the Cracked Window

Aphra Behn - Danger of Electric Shock

The New Charm School


Creative Every Day

Methaphor Bling

Simply Wait

Tinker Art

Jana's Journeys

Art In the Garage

Thick Paint

Molly Gordon Authentic Promotion

Worldwide Women Artists Who Blog

Worldwide Women Artists

BlogHer Where the Women Bloggers Are

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Blogger Z List

There is a blog list started with almost 500 sites worth reading with lots of information. The Z LIST was inspired by Mark Colier as a community gathering and sharing. Check it out with lots of marketing information!

Not sure if this "widget" works or even what it is, but here goes.... Ihave already found some fantastic blogs I would not have found otherwise!

Well, the widget code was not accepted by blogspot so you will just have to go and click manually on the link above!

Happy New Year 2007!