Monday, February 26, 2007

Finding Water Week 2

Family activities and work has taken me away from my computer time so am shamefully behind in reading and posting. The good news is that I am keeping up with the morning pages even though they are not always written in the morning (atleast by midnight), but I feel their purpose is still being served right now and will get back to morning writing... or maybe continue with both.

Bedtime is my favorite time to crawl in a nice warm bed with a good book (almost always nonfiction...) so the last couple of nights have also included journaling. One thing I discovered and purposefully set out to try... journal thoughts set the dream stage for me... only positive thoughts allowed here with the law of attraction at work!

Here is my quick narrative of self ... exercise from the book, Finding Water:

She is 56 years old for another couple of weeks. Then it is into the 57th year of living this life. She has so many things and people in her life to be grateful for. She lives on two acres in the countryside where huge flocks of birds can still congregate. The wild life is natural and abundant. She would like to be more free from financial concerns and solely concentate on creating creative living. She is a caring giving soul with a great sense of humor and loves to help others feel good about themselves.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Ceramic Clay Sculptures

Lady Sea Shell Sun wall hanging one of a kind hand sculpted by Dianne Mayne Forche. The shells are the real thing hand picked (and sterialized) from Caladesi Island in Florida about 20 years ago! Yes, I am a pack rat and love treasures from the sea. No animals were harmed ever!

This was sculpted with earthenware clay which is very fragile until fired in the kiln. My track record of getting them in one piece to the pottery place for firing is not perfect. Some of the rays broke, but have been reattached with liquid nails.... guaranteed!!

Also finished up a Native American sun face wall hanging. This photo does not have the ivory sculpted beaded necklace, but will post photo tomorrow since I am gallery sitting at ArtWorks at 7th

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 2 Chapter One ... Found Water

The most amazing thing happening when we just started out walking our dogs this morning (on retractable leashes of course). Five feet from in front of the dogs, a HUGE I mean HUGE deer came bounding out of the thick woods and leaped across the road in one bounce to the other side immediately blending into the foliage. It was a swish of a second that took your breath away! What an amazing treat....

I am still laughing out loud at the expressions on our pampered pups... who also froze in their path startled!! Of course, this set the tone of the rest of the walk. Em (laid back yellow lab that she is) took it all in stride, but Sandy (young half lab half golden retriever) stayed perky and got pumped up! She was NOT going to miss the next one...

Good morning, papers!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Finding Water

This is the first day of a 12 week course I am studying with a wonderful group of people working through Julia Cameron's book "Finding Water". Check out Jessie and Leah's blog Finding Water... blogging the art of perseverance.... so here I go:

I, Dianne, commit myself to the regular use of the three basic tools. For the duration of this course, I will write Morning Pages daily and will take an Artist's Date and a Weekly Walk once a week. Additionally, I commit myself to excellent self-care, adequate sleep, good food, and gentle companionship.

Signed, Dianne Mayne Forche 02/17/07

Today I walked with my dogs, wrote my morning pages (yes, the hand cramps up, but hoping that will go away eventually) and will be doing this each day. It felt good to be outdoors, too! Dark chocolate is good food, right??!!