Just finished working up 25 lbs of raku clay to see what it is like to work with. I was hoping the dried geenware would be stronger less fragile then the earthenware. Sorry to report it is not. Once the peices are fired it is no problem... just getting them to the kiln in one peice is a trick. My sun rays keep breaking off with the slightest touch and the wire drying rack probably does not help the situation. Redesigned the ray lengths leaving out the twisting and arching.... which was pretty cool! I will try to get some photos tomorrow. It has taken me a couple of weeks to use up this package since I was fitting in between other ongoing projects.
So far there are 5 sun faces made each with a different face/age. It was good way to practice eyes, nose, and facial bones. As they are more of a bas relief, it is difficult to view all sides, but a good fun play activity. Finished up with a green man mask bearing grapes, and a goddess type celebration wall plaque.
Gallery sat all day yesterday at ArtWorks at 7th in North Beach. Suzanne Shelden, a very talented and amazing artist, held an impromptu gathering with friends from Alexandria, Poolesville, Rockville, and Silver Springs. Suzanne is the featured artist for the month of January at the art gallery and donated proceeds of her sales to the Calvert Animal Welfare League. Rhiannon (kitty brought in and available for adoption) was adopted by Lora from Alexandria!! I met some wonderful people and it was a very successful show. Congratulations, Suzanne!